1. Equality of the critical densities and the dual critical densities for continuum percolation on R2, Annals of Probability, (1990).
  2. Percolation of Poisson sticks on the plane, Probability Theory and related fields, (1991).
  3. (with Peter Hall) On the relationship between fractal dimension and fractal index for stationary stochastic processes, Annals of Applied Probability, (1993.
  4. (with Ronald Meester) Uniqueness of unbounded clusters in Boolean models, Annals of Applied Probability, (1994.
  5. (with Hideki Tanemura ) Critical intensities of Boolean models with different underlying convex shape, Advances in Applied Probability, (2002).
  6. On ancient Babylonian algebra and geometry, Resonance, Journal of Science education,(2003).
  7. (with Abhay Bhatt ) On a random directed spanning tree, Advances in Applied Probability,(2004).
  8. (with Siva Athreya and Anish Sarkar) On the coverage of space by random sets, Advances in Applied Probability, (2004).
  9. (with Aureli Alabert and merce Farre) Exit times from triangles, Applied Mathematics and Optimization, (2004).
  10. (with Sreela Gangopadhyay andAnish Sarkar) Random oriented trees: A model of drainage networks, Annals of Applied Probability, (2004).
  11. Coverage of space in Boolean Models, IMS, Lecture Notes Monograph Series, (2006).
  12. (with Athreya S. and Anish Sarkar) Random directed trees and forest–drainage networks with dependence, Electronic Journal of Probability, (2008).
  13. (with Antar Bandyopadhyay and Anish Sarkar) Learning from neighbours: an interacting particle systems model,  Electronic Journal of Probability, (2010).
  14. (with Amites Dasgupta and Anish Sarkar) Geometry of the Poisson Boolean model on a region of logarithmic width in the plane,  Advances in Applied Probability, (2011).
  15. (with S. Das, P. Duggal, V. Myneedu, D. Behera, H. Prasad, A. Bhattacharya) Identification of Hot and Cold spots in genome of Mycobacterium tuberculosis using Shewhart Control Charts,  NatureScientific reports, (2012). www.nature.com/srep/2012/120302/srep00297/full/srep00297.html,
  16. (with Kumarjit Saha and Anish Sarkar) Random directed forests and the Brownian web,  Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincare, (2016).
  17. (with Kumarjit Saha and Anish Sarkar) Hack’s law in a drainage network model: a Brownian web approach,  Annals of Applied Probability, (2016).
  18. (with Paulo Manrique and Victor Perez Abreu) The Universality of the Non-singularity of General Ginibre and Wigner Random Matrices, Random matrices and their applications, (2016).

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