After several decades of association with the Indian Statistical Institute, Professor Rajendra Bhatia is retiring on May 31, 2017. To celebrate his many important contributions to mathematics and to the institute, a conference is being organised in his honour on May 30-31, 2017. Since Prof. Bhatia’s work has been very diverse, this conference will have a mix of operator theory, complex geometry, quantum computation, mathematical physics and many other branches of mathematics which have benefited from his work.

You may read more about his work in the following article in Linear Algebra and its Applications, Volume 528, 1 September 2017, Pages 1–16 by Ravindra B. Bapat, Shmuel Friedland, John Holbrook, Roger Horn, Fuad Kittaneh.


View list of speakers View list of participants View Title and Abstracts of invited talks Registration of participants - Registration of participants for the conference is now closed. The conference is being partly sponsored by Hindustan Book Agency.