Current Position :
Associate Professor
(since June 2003)
Research Interests
General :
Probability Theory, Stochastic Processes
Area(s) of Interest :
Percolation Theory & Random Graphs, Extreme Value Theory
Some of my Research Collaborators (past & present):
Rahul Roy
Ronald Meester
Mathew Penrose
Arup Bose
Sreela Gangopadhay
Siva Athreya
Fábio P. Machado
Luiz Renato G. Fontes
Norio Konno
Nauki Masuda
Krishanu Maulik
Some of my current Research Collaborators :
Ellen Saada
Antar Bandyopadhyay
Previous Positions :
(July 1998 -- May 2001)
Assistant Professor
(June 2001 -- May 2003)
(all in the Indian Statistical Institute, Delhi Centre)
Educational Qualification :
Ph. D. (1996), M. Stat. (1990), B. Stat (1988)
(all from the Indian Statistical Institute)
Thesis :
Some Problems of Continuum Percolation
Thesis Supervisor :
Prof. Rahul Roy
Nothing occurs at random, but everything for a reason and by necessity. -- Leucippus (5th century B.C.).