Last Modified : April 9, 2009

Home Page of Anish Sarkar

Personal Page : Gogol & Anuradha

But for my son Ritwik (Gogol), these pages would not have been written. He kept on asking me why I did not have a web page. I really did not have an answer, and as usual, I tried to avoid it as long as I could. My reasons were varied, ranging from "I don't have time!" to "I don't need one for my work!". But gradually, I ran out of excuses. Just to avoid the topic, I told him that he can make a page for me and I will then put it up, thinking that it will settle the issue, at least for the time being. But, he came back with some page within a few days. Now I was caught, no place to hide. So, I sat down with him to design these pages. I planned the layout, while the color scheme were chosen by him (with my guidance). I hope that you like it.

Ritwik, or as we call him - Gogol, is currently studying in class 8, in The Mother's International School. Of course, he is a big Harry Potter fan and keeps trying those spells on us, thankfully not with much success. Besides watching TV (mostly Discovery, National Geographic and Animal Planet) and playing with his friends, he likes collecting information about snakes. Yes -- snakes!

Krishanu has recently been successful in converting Gogol to a philatelist. Now he pesters me to get new stamps all the time.

My better half - Anuradha. She is also in academics. Anuradha teaches in a college under the Delhi University -- Lady Shri Ram College for Women in the Statistics Department. She is also an ISI alumni, completed her M. Stat. in 1991, one year after me and "Yes! We met here!".

She has completed her Ph. D. from the Delhi University in the year 2002. Prof. Kanwar Sen was her supervisor.

Anuradha has a knack for languages. When we got married, her Bangla was as good as Deve Gowda's Hindi. But soon she picked up Bangla and started conversing in it. Now, but for an almost-absent accent, you would never guess that she is not a bengali. Mostly people think that she is a "probasi bangali". She has also started reading Bengali books now. Probably days are not too far ahead when she starts writing in Bangla. I will keep shut about my Hindi and let others comment on that. Another thing I must also admit, her bengali style cooking is way better than her north-indian style cooking.

"I think you're begging the question," said Haydock, "and I can see looming ahead one of those terrible exercises in probability where six men have white hats and six men have black hats and you have to work it out by mathematics how likely it is that the hats will get mixed up and in what proportion. If you start thinking about things like that, you would go round the bend. Let me assure you of that!" -- Christie, Agatha (in The Mirror Crack'd. )