Instructor: Antar Bandyopadhyay
Email: antar (at) isid (dot) ac (dot) in
Office: 4.12 A. N. Kolmogorov Bhavan
Class Time: M 17:30 - 18:30, W 14:00 - 16:00
[No class during September 3 - 14, 2008]
[No class on October 29, 2008 (Wednesday) and November 3, 2008
Instructor's Office Hours: Tu 14:00 - 16:00
Course Duration: August 18 - November 19, 2008.
Course Outline:
Additional Papers/References:
H. Kesten,
Sums of stationary sequences can not grow slower than linearly,
Proc. AMS 49 (1975), pp. 205 - 211.
[For a proof of Kesten's Lemma.]
F. Solomon,
Random walks in random environments,
Annals Probab. 3 (1975), pp. 1 - 31.
[The original paper for the ergodic theorems
with i.i.d. environment.]
N. Berger, Limiting velocity of high-dimensional random walk
in random environment,
Annals Probab. 36(2) (2008), pp. 728 - 738.
[Very recent work on limiting velocity when d ≥ 5.]
M. P. W. Zerner,
A Non-Ballistic Law of Large Numbers for Random Walks in I.I.D.
Random Environment,
Elect. Comm. in Probab. 7 (2002), pp. 181 - 187.
[For the 0-1 Law when the walk does not converge to infinity
or negative infinity in the given direction.]
A. S. Sznitman,
Slowdown Estimates and Central Limit Theorem for Random Walks in
Random Environment,
J. Eur. Math. Soci. 2 (200), pp. 93 - 143.
[For CLT in dimension d ≥ 2 provided 0-1 Law holds.]
Student Presentations:
Date: November 10, 2008 (Monday)
Time: 17:30 - 18:30
Speaker: Mr. Rajat Subhra Hazra
Topic: TBA
Date: November 12, 2008 (Monday)
Time: 14:00 - 16:00
Speaker: Ms. Farkhondeh A. Sajadi
Topic: "A Non-Ballistic Law of Large Numbers for Random Walks
in I.I.D. Random Environment" (based on a paper
by M. P. W. Zerner, 2002).
Date: TBA
Time: TBA
Speaker: Mr. Koushik Saha
Topic: TBA
Date: TBA
Time: TBA
Speaker: Mr. Arunangshu Biswas
Topic: TBA
Last modified October 29, 2008.