Project submissions (updated 11 November).
Some references:
Projects (updated 10 October).
EM algorithm: Code samples discussed in class:
R demos:
Code used to illustrate object-oriented programming, using Linear Congruential Generators as an example.
Summary of R
code discussed in class (updated Friday August 27).
Summary of C
code discussed in class (updated Friday August 6).
No classes August 9 - August 13
No classes July 21 - July 26
R tutorials. As part of your assignment for the first week, you should work through these tutorials, and solve the exercises in the "Language Overview II" and "Introduction to Statistical Inference" tutorials.
Assignment 1 (19 July, 2010)
>R, C++, Python, (Javascript?)
Some assignments are to be done individually, others are group assignments. Grading will be based on classroom presentations and participation in classroom discussions of the assignments.