Lectures on Probability and Stochastic Processes (V)

(Funded by National Board of Higher Mathematics and Indian Statistical Institute)

December 23 - 27, 2010

Poster presentations

Schedule, titles and abstracts

Rajat Subhra Hazra (ISI, Kolkata) An inverse problem on randomly wighted series 24 Dec

Suppose X1 , X2 , . . . are independent and identically distributed positive random variables. If X1 has regularly varying tail of index -α, where α > 0, and if {Θt , t≥ 1} is a positive sequence of random variables independent of {Xt }, then it is known that under some appropriate moment conditions on {Θt , t≥ 1}, X(∞) = ∑t=1 &Thetat Xt converges with probability 1 and has regularly varying tail of index -α. We ask the question that, if X(∞) has regularly varying tail, then does X1 have regularly varying tail under some appropriate conditions? We obtain appropriate suffcient moment conditions, including nonvanishing Mellin transform of ∑t=1 &Thetat along some vertical line in the complex plane, so that the above is true. We also show that the condition on the Mellin transform cannot be dropped. This is a joint work with Krishanu Maulik.

Ali Saeb (University of Mysore) Extreme Value Modeling For Flood Data - A Case Study 24 Dec

We present a case-study wherein we model annual maximum flood data using the generalized extreme value and the log generalized extreme value distributions. Joint work with S. Ravi.

Sunil Kumar Gauttam (Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai) Constrained Risk Sensitive Control Problem 24 Dec

We consider a general risk-sensitive control problem with state being constraint to non-negative orthrant. We have assumed a stability condition on the state dynamics which gives asymptotic flatness of the controlled reflecting diffusion. We prove the existence of optimal risk-sensitive control.

Ghurumuruhan Ganesan (ISI, Delhi) Critical probabilities of bond percolation in Delaunay Triangulation and Voronoi Tessellation 26 Dec

Let pc and p*c denote the critical probabilities for the bond percolation in Delaunay Triangulation (DT) and its dual the Voronoi Tessellation (VT). In many regular lattices, we know that pc + p*c = 1. In random lattices, very few exact critical probabilities have been established. Pimentel has studied the critical probability in DT and VT for general d-dimensions. Recently, Bollobas and Riordan have proved that the critical probability for the Voronoi site percolation is 1/2. Using a crucial RSW result of Bollobas and Riordan, we prove that bond percolation in DT and VT satisfies pc + p*c = 1.

Arunangshu Biswas (Presidency College, Kolkata) Diffusive limits for Adaptive MCMC 26 Dec

Adaptive MCMC algorithms are designed to tune the chain prop- erly to decrease the time to convergence to stationary. However since the transition kernel is changed at each step of iteration proper ergod- icity conditions has to be ensured. Here we try to define a toy discrete time Adaptive MCMC algorithm and study its convergence properties. We apply the diffusion approximation method to a discrete time Adaptive MCMC procedure to obtain the limiting stochastic differen- tial equation governing the dynamics of the adaptation parameter θ and the state space variable X . The solution to the coupled equation will give the stationary distribution of the chain, and this could be one way to show that the stationary distribution of the chain will be the distribution of interest.

Koushik Saha (Bidhannagar Government College, Kolkata) Some observations on joint convergence of patterned matrices 26 Dec

One of the most important examples of pattern matrices is the Wigner matrix in physics. Voiculescu had shown that the joint distribution of Wigner matrices are asymptotically free. This freeness of the limit is very special to Wigner type matrices. We study the joint convergence of a few other patterned matrices. In particular, the matricial limits of symmetric circulants and reverse circulants satisfy respectively the classical independence and the half independence. The matricial limits of Toeplitz and Hankel matrices do not seem to submit to any easy or explicit independence/dependence notions. Their limits are not independent, free or half independent.

Santanu Dey (TIFR, Mumbai) Multidimensional Fourier Inversion using Importance Sampling with Application to Option Pricing. 26 Dec

In this poster we demonstrate that importance sampling can be used to develop unbiased, efficient estimators of densities, distribution functions and expectations of functions of a random vector, when the characteristic function of the random vector is available in analytic or semi-analytic form. Specifically, using this method we develop efficient algorithms to design unbiased estimators of densities and distribution functions of sample mean of iid non-lattice light tailed random variables when the characteristic function of the random variable (Fourier transform of the density) satisfy mild integrability conditions.In particular, we propose an efficient algorithm for estimation of the tail probability P[\bar{X} ≥ x] where X1,X2,...Xn are iid and x>E[X1]. All our algorithms are efficient in the sense that the number of simulation runs needed to come up with the estimate goes to zero as n tends to infinity. This efficiency is achieved by estimating the relative error in conventional saddle point approximation through importance sampling (IS) technique with an IS density which is Gaussian near centre but inverse power in tail. This is especially of interest in options pricing as stochastic processes such as affine jump processes and Levy processes are ubiquitous in financial modeling and typically have characteristic functions (of their value at a given time) that are easily evaluated while their density or distribution functions have no readily computable closed form.

Santanu Dey (TIFR, Mumbai) Entropy Approach to Incorporate Constraints involving Fat Tailed RV in Financial Models 27 Dec

In the existing financial literature, entropy based ideas have been proposed in portfolio optimisation and in model calibration for options pricing. The abstracted problem corresponds to finding a probability measure that minimises Kullbach- Leibler (KL) distance with respect to a known measure while it satisfies certain moment constraints on functions of underlying assets.Under KL distance, the optimal solution may not exist when constraints involve fat tailed distributions ubiquitous in financial practice. We note that this drawback may be corrected if `polynomial-divergence' entropy distance is used. We discuss existence and uniqueness issues related to this new optimisation problem as well as the nature of the optimal solution under di erent objectives. We also identify the optimal solution structure under KL distance as well as polynomial divergence when the associated constraints include those on marginal distribution of functions of underlying assets. These results are applied to a simple problem of model calibration to options prices as well as to portfolio modeling in Markowitz framework, where we note that a reasonable view that a particular portfolio of assets has heavy tailed losses may lead to fatter and more reasonable tail distributions of all assets.

Debleena Thacker (ISI, Delhi) Urn Models on One-dimensional Integer Lattice. 27 Dec

In this ongoing work, we study urn models with infinite color of balls. At every time, a single ball is drawn at random and then balls of in- ???nitely many colors are added to the urn in proportion determined by a speci???ed stochastic replacement matrix. We consider two special replacement matrices, one arriving from the right shift operator, and the other arriving from the simple symmetric random walk on Z. If Un = {Un1 , Un2 , ...........}, where Uni denotes the number of balls of color i in the urn at time n, then we are interested in the asymptotic behavior of Un as well the individual colors Uni with the specified replacement matri- ces. We also plan to study the urn models with generalised replacement matrices.

Farkhondeh Sajadi (ISI, Delhi) Greedy algorithm for traveling salesman problem (TSP) in mean field models 27 Dec

In his work we study asymptotic of the total length from greedy tour in the mean field setup. In the case of the lengths are i.i.d. Exponential , the length of shortest tour grows like log n. We conjectured this can be true for other distribution under fairly general sufficient conditions.

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