Published Papers
Selected Published Papers :
- Equality of the critical densities and the dual critical densities for continuum percolation on R2, Annal of Probability, (1990) 18, 1563-1575.
- Percolation of Poisson sticks on the plane, Probability Theory and related fields, (1991) 89, 503-517.
- (with Hall P.) On the relationship between fractal dimension and fractal index for stationary stochastic processes, Annals of Applied Probability,(1993) 4, 241-253.
- (with Meester R.) Uniqueness of unbounded clusters in Boolean models, Annals of Applied Probability,(1994) 4, 933-951.
- (with Tanemura H.) Critical intensities of Boolean models with different underlying convex shape, Advances in Applied Probability,(2002) 34, 48-57.
- On ancient Babylonian algebra and geometry, Resonance, Journal of Science education,(2003) 8-8, 27-42.
- (with Bhatt A.) On a random directed spanning tree, Advances in Applied Probability,(2004) 36, 1-8.
- (with Athreya, S. and Sarkar, A.) On the coverage of space by random sets, Advances in Applied Probability, (2004) 36, 1-18.
- (with Alabert A. and Farre, M.) Exit times from triangles, Applied Mathematics and Optimization, (2004) 49, 43-53.
- (with Gangopadhyay S. and Sarkar, A.) Random oriented trees: A model of drainage networks, Annals of Applied Probability V, (2004) 15, 1242-1266
- Coverage of space in Boolean Models, IMS, Lecture Notes Monograph Series V,(2006) 48, 119-127.
- (with Athreya S. and Sarkar A.) Random directed trees and forest--drainage networks with dependence, Electronic J. Probabn. V, (2008) 13, 2160-2189.