4th  Annual Conference on Economic Growth and Development

December 17-18, 2008

Indian Statistical Institute, New Delhi 110016

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Panel Discussion on Affirmative Action

Time: 4:30 - 6:15 pm; 18 December, Thursday

Venue: Conference Room

  • Speakers:
  1. Satish Deshpande (Delhi School of Economics)
  2. Parikshit Ghosh (Delhi School of Economics)
  3. Daniel Sabbagh (Centre d'Etudes et de Relations Internationales, Sciences Po, Paris): Affirmative Action in the United States and France: The Case of Higher Education
  • Discussants:
  1. Basudeb Chaudhuri (Centre de Sciences Humaines, New Delhi)
  2. Velayoudom Marimoutou (French Institute of Pondichery)
  • Chair: Ashwini Deshpande (Delhi School of Economics)