Instructor : Antar Bandyopadhyay ( Email :, Office : 357 Evans Hall ).
Class Time : MWF 10:00 - 11:00 in room 60 Evans.
NOTE : The Room has changed to 60 Evans. ( effective from Friday, September 6, 2002 )
GSI : Gabor Pete ( Email :, Office : 447 Evans Hall ).
Office Hours : ( Changed and effective from Monday, September 30, 2002 )
Review for the Final Exam:
Course Outline : Click here to get the course outline.
Prerequisite : Calculus is a serious prerequisite. Any Calculus course equivalent of Math-53 is good enough. We will need various summations formulae, inequalities, summation of infinite series, limits, differentiation, integration, integration of function of two variables.
Text : Probability by Jim Pitman.
Other References : Here are two more books which are good to look at for reading and problem solving. You may not want to buy them, best would be to borrow from library.
Lecture Schedule : Click here to get the lecture schedule ( this schedule may change as the semester progress ).
Exams :
The exams will be open note, that means you are allowed to bring your own hand written notes, like class notes, your homework solutions etc; but no printed materials, like books, computer printouts, photocopied materials are allowed. If needed then the Normal Table will be supplied. You may use a basic calculator for calculation purpose.
Note that the final exam is on the first day of the exam week. There will be no late, early, or repeat exam. If you can not take the final on the date and time mentioned above, then you can not take this class.
Syllabus for the Exams :
Practice Exams :
[ Also you may want to look at the back of the book to get two more practice midterm exams. If you still want some more practice then you may want to see this one, which is from this semester's Statistics-101 course ( this midterm is longer than ours ). ]
[ Also you may want to look at the back of the book to get two more practice exams. If you still want some more practice then you may want to see this one, which is from this semester's Statistics-101 course ]
Solutions to the Exam Problems :
Homework :
There will be 12 sets of homework. 6 before the midterm and 6 after. 10 best homework scores will be taken for the final grading.
I will assign homework in class on Monday, and it will be due in class on Wednesday of the following week. Each homework set will be based on course materials covered in the lectures given on the week it is assigned. For example, the homework assigned on September 9 (Monday) will be due on September 18 (Wednesday), and will be on materials covered on 9th, 11th and 13th.
Late submission of homework will not be accepted. If you can not submit a homework on time, don't worry about it, and try to do well in the others. It will not count in your final grade, since you have two extra homework for the whole semester.
Here is the Homework Schedule. This schedule may also change as the semester progress. The homework sets are mainly from the book, but some time I may assign problems from outside the text book also.
Homework solutions will be posted in one of the glass cases on the middle corridor of third floor of Evans Hall. Each week's homework solutions will be posted latest by Friday afternoon, and will remain in the glass case for two consecutive week. NO solution will be made available on-line or in any printable version because of copy-right issues.Grades :
Note : To receive any extra credit you have to submit your solution of the Extra Credit Problem Set by Friday, December 6 ( in class ).
No letter grades will be given on the homework, midterm, or final. Your letter grade for the course will be based on your overall score, computed according to the scheme above.