Linear Models and GLM: Spring 2010
Quiz 2 Solutions (Rnw source)
Assignment 3 Solutions (Rnw source)
Quiz 2 (7 April, 2010)
Assignment 3 (10 March, 2010)
Assignment 2 (updated) (13 February, 2010)
R mini-course
Assignment 1 (8 January, 2010)
Course Information
- Instructor: Deepayan Sarkar
- Schedule: Mon Wed Fri 11:45 - 12:45, Thu
14:00 - 15:00 (Tutorial); January 4 - April 16, 2010 (Room 23).
- Office hours: Tue 14:00 - 15:00, Room 213
Faculty Building, or by appointment
Outline (tentative)
- Linear statistical models
- Examples of linear models:
- One-sample problem
- Simple linear regression
- One-way classification
- Two-way nested model
- Two-way crossed model without and with interactions
- Nested classification model
- Multiple regression
- Gauss-Markov model
- Normal equations and least square estimation, estimable
linear functions, g-inverse and solution of normal
equations. Best Linear Unbiased Estimates (BLUEs).
- Gauss-Markov Theorem
- Variances and covariances of BLUEs
- Normality assumption of error. Maximum likelihood estimation vs
Least square estimation/MLE vs BLUE. MVUE vs BLUE.
- Estimation of error variance. Degrees of freedom.
Fundamental theorems of least squares, and applications to testing
linear hypotheses.
- Fisher-Cochran theorems, distribution of quadratic forms.
- Multiple comparisons
- Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA)
- Random effects and mixed models
- Generalized Linear Models (GLMs), Logistic regression, Log-Linear Models.
- Practical applications using the
software environment.
- Linear Algebra
- Methods of Statistical Inference - I
- Plane Answers to Complex Questions by R. Christensen.
- Linear Statistical Inference by C. R. Rao.
- Log-Linear Models by R. Christensen.
- Generalized Linear Models by P. McCullagh and J. A. Nelder.
- Assignments: 15%
- Quizzes: 10%
- Mid-term Exam: 25%
- End-term Exam: 50%
Assignment policy (tentative)
Homework assignments will be handed out roughly once every two
Assignments should not be submitted. Instead, students will be
randomly selected (using simple random sampling with replacement)
and asked to present their solutions during tutorial sessions.
Grades will be given based on the presentations. Students who are
called upon but are not present will lose points for that particular
Depending on progress, some of the later assignments may be
small projects specifically assigned to certain students or groups
of students.
There will be two surprise (unscheduled)
quizzes given in the class over the course of the semester. No
supplementary quiz will given for students who miss a quiz.
Students will be expected to learn the statistical software R and
use it for practical assignments. Some of the tutorial sessions will
be used to teach R as necessary during the course. Information on R
is available from the CRAN
website or one of its mirrors (the US mirror is usually more