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ver. 0.90 2000-09-01 by Stan and Peter Klimas
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Part 2. Linux Resources, Help and Some Links

2.1 Any Linux reading materials?
2.2 Is there a help command?
2.3 Any dictionary of terms?
2.4 Web search
2.5 Newsgroups
2.6 Linux Internet links

2.1 Any Linux reading materials?
The RedHat Linux distribution CD contains lots of documentation. Part of it is in the html format and part in plain text format. You can read it all from under DOS or MS Windows before you install Linux.
For example, a soft-copy of the RedHat manual can be viewed with any MS Windows-based html browser, e.g. Netscape for Windows or MS Internet Explorer. Just access the file D:\doc\rhmanual\manual\index.htm. (assuming your CDROM is the drive D under MS Windows).

Also check the directory \doc\LDP for the excellent Linux Documentation Project manuals. For example, you can browse the Linux System Administrators' Guide by accessing the file \doc\LDP\sag\sag.html with your favorite html browser.

Also, check the directory \doc\HOWTO for the HOWTO documents, the directory \doc\HOWTO\mini for the MINIHOWTOs and the directory \doc\FAQ for a set of FAQs on different topics (FAQ="frequently asked questions"). For example, these commands will let you read the Linux-FAQ document (plain-text format) from under DOS:
cd \doc\FAQ\txt
edit Linux-FAQ
Under Linux, you can read the same documentation from the CD using, for example, this command:
lynx /mnt/cdrom/doc/rhmanual/manual/index.htm
This will start lynx, a simple text-mode html browser, to view the RedHat manual. Please note that under Linux, the CD must be mounted first, and the example above assumes that the mountpoint is the directory /mnt/cdrom/. You can also use Netscape for Linux, StarOffice or any other html browser to view the RedHat manual and other documentation in the html format. You can read plain-text documents from the CD under Linux using, for example, these commands:
cd /mnt/cdrom/doc/FAQ/txt/
less Linux-FAQ
(The less command lets you scroll through the contents of a text file.)

After installing linux, the documentation, whatever part of it you installed,  is in the directory /usr/doc/ . If you didn't install the documentation, consider installing everything now, it may be worth it. For example the directory /usr/doc/LDP contains the Linux Documentation Project manuals. These commands will let you browse the Linux System Administrators' Guide:

cd /usr/doc/LDP/sag
lynx sag.html
Also, check /usr/doc/HOWTO for the HOWTO documents, and /usr/doc/HOWTO/mini for the MINIHOWTOs.
For more or updated documentation, see

2.2 Is there a help command?

Most Linux commands can be run with the "--help" option. For example, this command will give you a concise help on the Linux cp (copy) command:
cp --help | less
More extensive info is accessed from the command line using the so-called manual pages man topic. For example:
man cp
will display the manual page for the "cp" (copy) command. The manual pages are the standard "help" system under Linux, and contain wealth of detailed, very technical information, but typically require an effort to be understood by a newbie.
The man command uses a simple utility called less that lets you scroll through a text. Use arrow keys to scroll, press "q" to quit. Actually, less can do more than this. Press "h" for help when running less, or learn more about less using the command
man less
There is also the info command info topic. For example:
info cp
will give you the help for the "cp" (copy) command. Often info contains information similar to man, but more up-to-date. Unfortunately, the info navigating utility is not very intuitive, so I use man pages more often.
If you don't remember exactly the name of the command that you need to use, try apropos. For example, to obtain a list of commands which have something to do with "copy", I execute this from the command line:
apropos copy
In some menu driven programs, most notably under setup when browsing the system services, you may press F1 for info what the particular service does.
The list of bash built-in commands can be obtained by typing help on the command line. Then help on any specific bash built-in command can be obtained by issuing, for example:

help cd

Bash is the standard command line "shell", i.e. the Linux command processor.

The kde windows manager includes a GUI-based "help browser", which can be started by clicking the "book with a light" icon on the Kpanel. This browser can be used to access the kde-specific help as well as the system manual pages. The Gnome desktop contains a similar help system.

If you want to learn about the many packages that come on your CDs in rpm format, you may want to use the GUI-based kpackage (type kackage in an X-terminal) to browse through the packages, display the info that they contain, and install them if you wish (the installation has to be done as root). In place of kpackage, older distribuitons use, glint (RH5.2) or gnorpm (RH6.0), which are slower and less convenient.

2.3 Any dictionary of terms?

This one is a rather maximalist one : "The New Hackers Dictionary", It is not only an excellent resource, but also highly entertaining reading. Recommended.
As a sample, here is the the description of the pronunuciation of some ASCII characters (from entry ASCII, formated for space):

[Legend: ] Single characters are listed in ASCII order; character pairs are sorted in by first member. For each character, common names are given in rough order of popularity, followed by names that are reported but rarely seen; official ANSI/CCITT names are surrounded by brokets: <>. Square brackets mark the particularly silly names introduced by INTERCAL. The abbreviations "l/r" and "o/c" stand for left/right and "open/close" respectively. Ordinary parentheticals provide some usage information.

!   Common: bang; pling; excl; shriek; ball-bat; <exclamation mark>. Rare: factorial; exclam; smash; cuss; boing; yell; wow; hey; wham; eureka; [spark-spot]; soldier, control.
"   Common: double quote; quote. Rare: literal mark; double-glitch; <quotation marks>; <dieresis>; dirk; [rabbit-ears]; double prime.
#   Common: number sign; pound; pound sign; hash; sharp; crunch; hex; [mesh]. Rare: grid; crosshatch; octothorpe; flash; <square>, pig-pen; tictactoe; scratchmark; thud; thump; splat.
$   Common: dollar; <dollar sign>. Rare: currency symbol; buck; cash; string (from BASIC); escape (when used as the echo of ASCII ESC); ding; cache; [big money].
%       Common: percent; <percent sign>; mod; grapes. Rare: [double-oh-seven].
&   Common: <ampersand>; amper; and, and sign. Rare: address (from C); reference (from C++); andpersand; bitand; background (from sh(1)); pretzel; amp. [INTERCAL called this `ampersand'; what could be sillier?]
'   Common: single quote; quote; <apostrophe>. Rare: prime; glitch; tick; irk; pop; [spark]; <closing single quotation mark>; <acute accent>.
( ) Common: l/r paren; l/r parenthesis; left/right; open/close; paren/thesis; o/c paren; o/c parenthesis; l/r parenthesis; l/r banana. Rare: so/already; lparen/rparen; <opening/closing parenthesis>; o/c round bracket, l/r round bracket, [wax/wane]; parenthisey/unparenthisey; l/r ear.
*   Common: star; [splat]; <asterisk>. Rare: wildcard; gear; dingle; mult; spider; aster; times; twinkle; glob (see glob); Nathan Hale.
+   Common: <plus>; add. Rare: cross; [intersection].
,   Common: <comma>. Rare: <cedilla>; [tail].
-   Common: dash; <hyphen>; <minus>. Rare: [worm]; option; dak; bithorpe.
.   Common: dot; point; <period>; <decimal point>. Rare: radix point; full stop; [spot].
/   Common: slash; stroke; <slant>; forward slash. Rare: diagonal; solidus; over; slak; virgule; [slat].
:   Common: <colon>. Rare: dots; [two-spot].
;   Common: <semicolon>; semi. Rare: weenie; [hybrid], pit-thwong.
< > Common: <less/greater than>; bra/ket; l/r angle; l/r angle bracket; l/r broket. Rare: from/{into, towards}; read from/write to; suck/blow; comes-from/gozinta; in/out; crunch/zap (all from UNIX); tic/tac; [angle/right angle].
=   Common: <equals>; gets; takes. Rare: quadrathorpe; [half-mesh].
?   Common: query; <question mark>; ques. Rare: whatmark; [what]; wildchar; huh; hook; buttonhook; hunchback.
@   Common: at sign; at; strudel. Rare: each; vortex; whorl; [whirlpool]; cyclone; snail; ape; cat; rose; cabbage; <commercial at>.
V   Rare: [book].
[ ] Common: l/r square bracket; l/r bracket; <opening/closing bracket>; bracket/unbracket. Rare: square/unsquare; [U turn/U turn back].
\   Common: backslash, hack, whack; escape (from C/UNIX); reverse slash; slosh; backslant; backwhack. Rare: bash; <reverse slant>; reversed virgule; [backslat].
^   Common: hat; control; uparrow; caret; <circumflex>. Rare: xor sign, chevron; [shark (or shark-fin)]; to the (`to the power of'); fang; pointer (in Pascal).
_   Common: <underline>; underscore; underbar; under. Rare: score; backarrow; skid; [flatworm].
`   Common: backquote; left quote; left single quote; open quote; <grave accent>; grave. Rare: backprime; [backspark]; unapostrophe; birk; blugle; back tick; back glitch; push; <opening single quotation mark>; quasiquote.
{ } Common: o/c brace; l/r brace; l/r squiggly; l/r squiggly bracket/brace; l/r curly bracket/brace;  <opening/closing brace>. Rare: brace/unbrace; curly/uncurly; leftit/rytit; l/r squirrelly; [embrace/bracelet].
|   Common: bar; or; or-bar; v-bar; pipe; vertical bar. Rare: <vertical line>; gozinta; thru; pipesinta (last three from UNIX); [spike].
~   Common: <tilde>; squiggle; twiddle; not. Rare: approx; wiggle; swung dash; enyay; [sqiggle (sic)].

The pronunciation of # as `pound' is common in the U.S. but a bad idea; Commonwealth Hackish has its own, rather more apposite use of `pound sign' (confusingly, on British keyboards the pound graphic happens to replace #; thus Britishers sometimes call # on a U.S.-ASCII keyboard `pound', compounding the American error). The U.S. usage derives from an old-fashioned commercial practice of using a # suffix to tag pound weights on bills of lading. The character is usually pronounced `hash' outside the U.S. There are more culture wars over the correct pronunciation of this character than any other, which has led to the ha ha only serious suggestion that it be pronounced `shibboleth' (see Judges 12:6 in an Old Testament or Tanakh).

The `uparrow' name for circumflex and `leftarrow' name for underline are historical relics from archaic ASCII (the 1963 version), which had these graphics in those character positions rather than the modern punctuation characters.

The `swung dash' or `approximation' sign is not quite the same as tilde in typeset material but the ASCII tilde serves for both (compare angle brackets).

Some other common usages cause odd overlaps. The #, $, >, and & characters, for example, are all pronounced "hex" in different communities because various assemblers use them as a prefix tag for hexadecimal constants (in particular, # in many assembler-programming cultures, $ in the 6502 world, > at Texas Instruments, and & on the BBC Micro, Sinclair, and some Z80 machines). See also splat.

As a bonus for asking the question, here is another entertaining link I like: A Girl's Guide to Geek Guys: If you are the other sex, you might prefer: A Guy's Guide to Geek Girls:

2.4 Web Search

Currently, the best websearch engine is Google. It is wow fast, because it runs on Linux, no kidding. Try:  For a test, type in the search box: your last name and a word of your choice. Google can be used to find almost anything relevant to Linux (or anything else) on the net. Just type-in a few keywords to find the Linux documentation you need.

2.5 Newsgroups

These can be a intimidating place to be--the world's strangest wackos seem to be all represented in the newsgroups. I just choose to ignore the stupid or offensive postings or e-mails. For the malicious ones, I make an exception and inform the system administrator at their originating e-mail provider. Advertisements which I receive after posting to a newsgroup get deleted before reading--I know I am not the only one doing this, so please mark your subject line clearly if you want your e-mail to be read, particularly if your e-mail address contains the string "aol".

Despite their drawbacks, newsgroups can be a veryy efficient way of accessing the information you need.

Before going to the newsgroups, I would highly recommend DejaNews (  This is a huge archive of newsgroup postings and you can search it using nice search tools. This way, you can often find an answer to your question without going through tons of trash, and without exposing yourself to anger after posting a question which "was already asked ten times this week". You may be surprised by the amount of information available through Dejanews.
There are several newsgroups devoted to Linux and they seem much better than other newsgroups (maybe they are better policed by the Linux experts?). Here is a short list:
news:comp.os.linux.announce  (moderated--the postings are done by a moderator, who reviews them prior to the posting. Inspect the footer of any message for info how to post.)
news:comp.os.linux.misc  (miscellaneous)
news:comp.os.linux.advocacy  (Use this one for discussion of pros and cons of Linux and perhaps a comparison of Linux with other operating systems. This is an excellent newsgroup if you like getting into endless arguments).
news:alt.linux.sux  (Here you can read/write really all opinions on Linux.)
news:comp.os.linux.x (X-windows)
news:comp.os.unix  (general UNIX newsgroup)
Please note that there is a newsgroup etiquette ("netiquette"), and you risk rejection and perhaps expose yourself to flames if you choose to break it. The major points:
- don't post on a topic that is unrelated to the subject of the newsgroup;
- don't post to many newsgroups at the same time (cross-post);
- use plain ASCII, don't post attachments, pictures, html, etc.;
- don't advertise (particularly commercial products).
Just for fun, here are some useful abbreviations/acronyms:
BTW = "By the way, "
AFAIK = As far as I know," (S/he may actually know the best, but is being cautious)
RTFD = "Read the 'fine' documentation!" (Impatient and probably rude since it contains the f-word)
ASAP = "as soon as possible"
FYI" = "For your information," (Perhaps implying everybody else knows about it.)
IMHO = "In my humble opinion," (Very polite or perhaps showing extreme self confidence.)
c.o.l.a. = The newsgroup com.os.linux.announce (or perhaps comp.os.linux.advocacy?)
tia = "thanks in advance!"
ty = "thank you"
iirc = "if I remember correctly," (cannot give the proper source, eh?)
fwiw = "For what it's worth" (The responder feels that the answer may not be a definitive one.)
lol = "laugh out lout" (showing really good mood or happiness from what you said)
bs = "bull shit". Same as male-bovine excrement (mbe). (The responder feels that what you say is an absolute rubbish.).
:-) = a smile to you. Many variants are possible, also showing other faces to express moods
:-D = a big smile to you.
: ( = sad
|-o = yawning because of what you say
:-0 = surprised
~:-| = steamed
:'-( = crying
*:-o) = clown
0:-) = angel
;-) = a wink to you ("you know what I mean, don't you?")
:-P = raspberries (not very respectful vibration of the tongue, expression of contempt)
:-@ = screaming
:-& = tongue-tied ("cannot tell")
<:-| = dunce (a hat put on the head of a stupid person)
/. = a website called "slashdot" ( ("news for nerds, stuff that matters")
oic = oh I see
Here are some abbreviation/acronmyms used frequently on icq and not found in a standard Webster dictionary:
k = ok
bf = "boyfriend"
gf = "girlfriend"
fu = this couldn't mean "fuck you" could it?
S = "smiles"
brb = "will be right back"
Please mail me if you know of other interesting abbreviations that a Linux administrator ought to know :-)

2.6 Any Linux Internet links?

There are surely thousands of Internet sites devoted to Linux. Here are some Linux links which I like, in no particular order. If you need something else, you should find a useful pointer on one of these pages.  Master site for this document (LNAG). Bookmark it. Linux Admin FAQ (the non-Newbie). Gary's Encyclopedia--Learning Linux. Bookmark it. Josh homepage. Good resource for learning Linux. This site seems good for newbies! Linux administration made easy (LAME). "All new and improved" (Apr. 99). Recommended. Lots of Linux documentation. Bookmark it. Discussions for nerd, hackers, gurus, etc. (= /.) Update on today's releases of Linux software Linux news--excellent daily reading. Bookmark it. The Linux Lab Project. Data acquisition etc. Linuxberg. Big portal. They have everything there. I like their rating of Linux software and am installing only packages that received 5 penguins ;-) .  Bookmark it. The Linux counter. Register yourself as a linuxer! See Dennis Havlik's impressive maps on Linux growth and geographical distribution. Linux FAQ. Tons of Linux software at the Sunsite archive. Bookmark it. Linux applications. Linux applications. Linux applications. Great new portal (better than yahoo) with excellent links for Linux newbies. Yahoo's entries for Linux. Debian Linux site. Linux hardware compatibility list. Lots of useful Linux links Scores of excellent links. More links to Linux documentation. Even more Linux links. Master GNU site (GNU's-Not-Unix. This is a recursive definition). The Red Hat site. It is typically too busy to bother.
http://www.cs.Helsinki.FI/u/torvalds/ Linus Torvalds home page. 

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