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Asymptotic spectral stability of the Gisin-Percival state diffusion
K. R. Parthasarathy and A. R. Usha Devi
Starting from the Gisin-Percival state diffusion equation for the pure state trajectory of a composite bipartite quantum system and exploiting the purification of a mixed state via its Schmidt decomposition, we write the diffusion equation for the quantum trajectory of the mixed state of a subsystem $S$ of the bipartite system, when the initial state in $S$ is mixed. Denoting the diffused state of the system $S$ at time $t$ by $\rho_t(\mathbf{B})$ for each $t\geq 0$, where $\mathbf{B}$ is the underlying complex $n$-dimensional vector-valued Brownian motion process and using It{\^o} calculus, along with an induction procedure, we arrive at the stochastic differential of the scalar-valued moment process ${\rm Tr}[\rho_t^m( \mathbf{B})], \,\,\, m=2,3,\ldots$ in terms of $d\,\mathbf{B}$ and $d\,t$. This shows that each of the processes $\{{\rm Tr}[\rho_t^m( \mathbf{B})], t\geq 0\}$ admits a Doob-Meyer decomposition as the sum of a martingale $M^{(m)}_t(\mathbf{B})$ and a non-negative increasing process $S^{(m)}_t(\mathbf{B})$. This ensures the existence of $\underset{t\rightarrow\infty}{\lim}\, {\rm Tr}[\rho_t^m( \mathbf{B})]$ almost surely with respect to the Wiener probability measure $\mu$ of the Brownian motion $\mathbf{B}$, for each $m=2,\, 3,\, \ldots$. In particular, when $S$ is a finite level system, the spectrum and therefore the entropy of $\rho_t (\mathbf{B})$ converge almost surely to a limit as $t\rightarrow \infty$. In the Appendix, by employing probabilistic means, we prove a technical result which implies the almost sure convergence of the spectrum for countably infinite level systems.

isid/ms/2018/05 [fulltext]

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