Visiting Positions

Post-doctoral Program

The ISI Delhi Stat-Math Unit regularly hosts post-doctoral fellows for long term (usually one year) and short terms (three months) subject to availability of resources. We normally look for candidates whose areas of interests match or closely complement those of our faculty members. A list of faculty members and their research interests is available here.

1. Long Term post-doctoral positions - Research Associate (RA)

These positions are typically for one year and may be extendable for one more year.

Currently, two RA positions is available, for which application deadline is Dec 15, 2024. The advertisement is available here.

To apply for the RA position please click the link here.

Along with it at least two recommendation letters including one from the thesis supervisor should also be sent. The recommenders should mail the letters directly to the address (head_smu (at) with the subject header “Reference letter for “. Short-listed candidates will be asked to give a seminar followed by an interaction with the faculty.

The selected candidates would be placed in Category I, II and III depending on the qualification and experience as per the DST OM No.SR/S9/Z-08/2018 dated 30 January 2019. Revised fellowship will be as per the Office Order No. D.O.2024/183 dated June 20, 2024 For further details, please write to

2. Short Term post-doctoral positions

In addition to long term RA positions, we also have a few short term positions usually of duration upto three months and extendable for another three months in exceptional cases. These positions are also open to individuals who have submitted their thesis.

Applications are usually processed three times a year. The fellowship amount at present is Rs 39000/- per month for those who have already defended their thesis, and Rs 32500/- per month prior to that.

Currently not avilable, we will notify once it is available. Interested candidates should apply by sending an email to head_smu (at) The application should include information on the following:

  • Date of birth
  • Dates of PhD submission, defence, post doctoral positions, etc.
  • List of publications and preprints
  • A summary of work done

You should also send soft copies of papers, preprints, etc., and a brief write-up on your future research plan.

Once you have emailed your application material, please fill up this Google form.

2. Post-doctoral positions with external fellowships

Those aho have external fellowships like NBHM postdoc, NPDF, INSPIRE Faculty etc can also join for a post-doc position at TSMU, ISI Delhi. You should send an application to with their request and necessary enclosures.