
Antar Bandyopadhyay

Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley

Areas of interest: Mathematical probability, stochastic processes, and application. Random graphs, probability on trees, recursive distributional equations. Percolation, interacting particle systems, random walks in random environment.

E Mail: antar [at] isid.ac.in

Contact Information: +91-11-41493932 , Office Room No: 208

Abhay G. Bhatt

Ph.D., Indian Statistical Institute, Delhi

Areas of interest: Markov Processes and martingale problems, Stochastic Filtering Theory, Stochastic Control

E Mail: abhay [at] isid.ac.in

Contact Information: +91-4149-3927 , Office Room No: 203

Arindam Chatterjee

Ph.D., Iowa State University

Areas of interest: Network data, Statistics for high-dimensional data, Resampling methods, Time series.

E Mail: cha (at) isid.ac.in

Contact Information: +91-4149-3920 , Office Room No: 120

Isha Dewan

Areas of interest: Competing Risks, Reliabiliy Theory, Nonparamteric Inference

E Mail: isha (at) isid.ac.in

Contact Information: +91-11-4149-3944 , Office Room No: 220

Tanvi Jain

Ph.D., Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi

Areas of interest: Operator Theory - Matrix Analysis, Topology

E Mail: tanvi (at) isid.ac.in

Contact Information: +91-11-4149-3919 , Office Room No: 119

Shanta Laishram

Ph.D., Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai

Areas of interest: Diophantine Equations, Binary Recurrence Sequences, Irreducibility of Polynomials and Galois Groups, Arithmetic Dynamics, Prime Numbers and the number theoretic aspects of Cryptography.

E Mail: shanta (at) isid.ac.in

Contact Information: +91-11-4149-3958 , Office Room No: 310

Web Page: Shanta Laishram

Swagata Nandi

Ph.D., Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur

Areas of interest: Non Linear Regression, Statistical Signal Processing, Surrogate Data, Survival Analysis

E Mail: nandi (at) isid.ac.in

Contact Information: +91-11-41493931 , Office Room No: 207

Web Page: Swagata Nandi

Arup K. Pal

Ph.D., Indian Statistical Institute, Delhi

Areas of interest: Quantum groups, noncommutative geometry, operator algebras.

E Mail: arup [at] isid.ac.in

Contact Information: +91-11-4149-3921 , Office Room No: 121

Issan Patri

Ph.D., Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai

Areas of interest: Operator Algebras, Quantum Groups, Mathematical Biology

E Mail: issanp (at) isid.ac.in

Contact Information: +91-11-4149-3940 , Office Room No: 216

Rahul Roy

Ph.D., Cornell University

Areas of interest: Probability theory, stochastic processes, particle systems and percolation theory, random graphs, history of mathematics.

E Mail: rahul [at] isid.ac.in

Contact Information: +91 11 41493905 (office), +91 11 41493981 (fax) , Office Room No: 105

Anish Sarkar

Ph.D., Indian Statistical Institute

Areas of interest: Particle systems and percolation theory, random graphs, extreme value theory

E Mail: anish.sarkar [at] gmail (dot) com, anish [at] isid (dot) ac (dot) in

Contact Information: +91-11-41493962 (Office Telephone) , Office Room No: 314

Deepayan Sarkar

Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison

Areas of interest: Statistical Computing, Statistical Graphics, Computational Biology

E Mail: deepayan.sarkar (at) gmail.com, deepayan (at) isid.ac.in

Contact Information: +91-11-41493937 (Office) , Office Room No: 213

Soham Sarkar

Ph.D., Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata

Areas of interest: High-dimensional Data, Functional Data, Statistical Learning

E Mail: sohamsarkar (at) isid.ac.in

Contact Information: +91-11-4149-3960 , Office Room No: 312

Depdip Ganguly

Areas of interest: Partial Differential Equations, Nonlinear and Geometric Analysis.

E Mail: debdip (at) isid.ac.in

Web Page: Debdip Ganguly

Contact Information: +91-11-4149-3923 , Office Room No: 123