Welcome to the Indian Statistical Institute (ISI), a unique institution devoted to the research, teaching, and application of statistics, natural sciences, and social sciences. Founded by Professor P.C. Mahalanobis in Kolkata on December 17, 1931. The Delhi Center of the Indian Statistical Institute was started in 1974. The headquarters of ISI are located in Kolkata. The Indian Statistical Institute Delhi Centre Library has an excellent collection of reading documents in the fields of mathematics, statistics, economics, statistical quality control, and operations research, which is regularly being expanded by adding the latest publications. The library subscribes to all major journals, both foreign and Indian, in the said fields. The library caters mainly to bona fide students, scholars, and academic staff members of the institute. However, it is also open for reference to academic users of other educational and scientific institutions in the city and its neighboring regions. Since 1994, the Library of the Indian Statistical Institute has been designated as the NBHM Regional Library by the National Board for Higher Mathematics, Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India, to serve the academic users of the northern region. Research scholars desirous of consulting library resources are welcome.
The library offers the following services:
- Circulation Service
- Reference Service
- Current Awareness Service
- Photocopy Service
- Inter-Library Loan Service
- Library Catalogue Search
- Access to E-Resources (RemoteXs)
- Plagirisim checking (using iThenticate and URKUND software)
- Members of the library may use the reading room facility for consulting books, journals, reports, e-resources, and other services during library hours. Outsiders are eligible to avail themselves of the library reading room facility upon production of an identity card or showing an introduction letter from their respective institute.
- Silence is to be observed in the reading room.
- Smoking is strictly prohibited.
- All books and personal belongings must be shown to the staff at the library exits whenever required to do so.
- No bag, personal book, should be brought into the Library. They should be deposited at the property counter at one’s own risk.
- All registered members are entitled to borrow books, journals, etc. from the library collection for a specific period as per the rules.
- All the users can avail the Xerox facility for a nominal payment.
- Members of the Divisional Committee of Scientific Workers
- Research Fellows
- Full time Degree students
- Visiting Scientists and Scholars
- Project Linked Staff
- ISI Employees
- Distinguished Members and ISI Council Members
- Former Scholars of the ISI
- Scientists and Scholars on Deputation
- ISI Society Members (Reference Services Only)
- The library user gets access to all major reputed e-journals, databases, and e-books in electronic format. A special arrangement has been made for Delhi Center users to access e-resources of ISI through RemoteX's service.
- The e-resources of the ISI collection can be accessed by the user through a valid username and password. For more information, contact Mr. Udaya Bhanu Kandha, Tel.41493976
The Delhi Centre Library has an excellent collection of books, journals, reports, government publications, theses, and other documents in the fields of mathematics, statistics, economics, operations research, and statistical quality control, which is regularly being expanded by adding the latest publications. The library subscribes to all major journals in print and electronic form, both foreign and Indian, in the said fields.
Library Collection as on 31/03/2023
- Books: 30418
- Current Journals: 28+ and RemoteXs common collection
- Electronic Journals: 5000+ and RemoteXs common collection
- Bound volumes: 18695+
- Databases: 10+
- CDs/Diskettes: 690
- Newspapers: 6
Mr. Uday Bhanu Kandha
Associate Scientist 'C'
In-charge, Library
Tel. 91-11 - 41493975
E-mail. ubk@isid.ac.in
Mr. Amardeep
Office Assistant 'C'
Circulation and Reader Services
Tel. 91-11 - 41493976
Email. umesh@isid.ac.in
Mr. Kamesh Kumar
Acquisition of Books, Periodicals Data entry, and Reader Services
Tel. 91-11 - 41493976
Email. library@isid.ac.in
- e-Resources@ISI Library
- Current Journals(Delhi Centre)
- Journals List (Publisher wise)
- e-databases
- e-books
- e-journals
- e-reports
- ISI DIgital Repository
- Plagiarism Tool
- Membership Form
- Book Suggestion Form
- Library Services
- Ask a Librarian
- Library Links
- Webmail
- Telephone Directory
- Library Hours
- Contact us
w.e.f. 6th April 2023
- Monday - Friday: 9.00am - 5.30pm
- Saturday & Sunday: Closed
Indian Statistical Institute,
Delhi Centre
7 S.J.S. Sansanwal Marg
New Delhi - 110 016
Tel. 91-11 - 4149 3975 / 4149 3976
Fax. 91-11 - 4149 3981
Mon-Fri: 9:30am-5:30pm
Sat-Sun: Closed
Email your question to library(at)isid.ac.in
Call us at: 91-11 4149 3975