08-07: Walrasian Equilibria of the Assignment Model .
By Debasis Mishra and Dolf Talman
Abstract | Full-Text
08-06: The Limits of Intellectual Property Rights: Lessons from the Spread of Illegal Transgenic Seeds in India .
By N. Lalitha, Carl. E. Pray and Bharat Ramaswami
Abstract | Full-Text
08-05: The Incidence of Fuel Taxation in India.
By Ashokankur Datta
Abstract | Full-Text
08-04: Deterrence, Preemption and Panic: A Common-Enemy Problem of Terrorism.
By Satya P. Das and Prabal Roy Chowdhury
Abstract | Full-Text
08-03:The "V-Factor": Distribution, Timing and Correlates of the the Great Indian Growth Turnaround.
By Chetan Ghate and Stephen Wright
Abstract | Full-Text
08-02:Negative Reality of the HIV Positives: Evaluating Welfare Loss in a Low Prevalence Country.
By Sanghamitra Das, Abhiroop Mukhopadhyay and Tridip Ray
Abstract | Full-Text
08-01:Discrimination in an Elite Labour Market? Job Placements at the Indian Institute of Management - Ahmedabad .
By Sujoy Chakravarty and E. Somanathan
Abstract | Full-Text
07-06:Integrating Mental Health in Welfare Evaluation:An Empirical Application.
By Sanghamitra Das,Abhiroop Mukhopadhyay, Tridip Ray
Abstract | Full-Text
07-05:How Does Poverty Decline? Evidence from India, 1983-1999.
By Mukesh Eswaran, Ashok Kotwal, Bharat Ramaswami, and Wilima Wadhwa
Abstract | Full-Text
07-04:Multi-Item Vickrey-Dutch Auctions.
By Debasis Mishra and David C.Parkes
Abstract | Full-Text
07-03:Overdemand and Underdemand in Economies with Indivisible Goods and Unit Demand.
By Debasis Mishra and Dolf Talman
Abstract | Full-Text
07-02:Controlling Collusion in Auctions: The Role of Ceilings and Reserve Prices.
By Prabal Roy Chowdhury
Abstract | Full-Text
07-01:Child Labor and Household Wealth: Theory and Empirical Evidence of an Inverted-U.
By Kaushik Basu, Sanghamitra Das and Bhaskar Dutta
Abstract | Full-Text
06-05:Liberalization, Biotechnology and the Private Seed Sector: The Case of India’s Cotton Seed Market.
By Milind Murugkar,Bharat Ramaswami and Mahesh Shelar
Abstract | Full-Text
06-04:Alliances Among Asymmetric Countries.
By Prabal Roy Chowdhury
Abstract | Full-Text
06-03:Underdeveloped Spot Markets and Futures Trading: The Soya Oil Exchange in India
By Bharat Ramaswami with Jatinder Bir Singh
Abstract | Full-Text
06-02:Innovation Incentives in an Intergrated Marketed with Vertical Product Differentiation
By Prabal Roy Chowdhury
Abstract | Full-Text
06-01:Group-lending with Sequential Financing, Contingent Renewal and Social Capital .
By Prabal Roy Chowdhury
Abstract | Full-Text
05-07:Transitional Dynamics in a Growth Model with Distributive Politics.
By Chetan Ghate
Abstract | Full-Text
05-06:The Folk Theorem and Bertrand Competition.
By Prabal Roy Chowdhury
Abstract | Full-Text
05-05:Patents and R&D: The Tournament Effect.
By Prabal Roy Chowdhury
Abstract | Full-Text
05-04:Does Decentralization Work? Forest Conservation in the Himalayas.
By E. Somanathan, R. Prabhakar and Bhupendra Singh Mehta
Abstract | Full-Text
05-03:Education And Growth in The Presence of Capital Flight.
By Debajyoti Chakrabarty, Areendam Chanda and Chetan Ghate
Abstract | Full-Text
05-02:Do Security Deposit Rates Matter: Evidence from a Secondary Market.
By Susumu Imai, Kala Krishna and Abhiroop Mukhopadhyay
Abstract | Full-Text
05-01:Efficiency and Distribution in Contract Farming:The Case of Indian Poultry Growers.
By Bharat Ramaswami, Pratap Singh Birthal, and P. K. Joshi
Abstract | Full-Text
04-23:Group-lending with sequential financing, joint liability and social capital.
By Prabal Roy Chowdhury
Abstract | Full-Text
04-22:Financial Intermediation and Employment.
By Manoj Pant, Prabal Roy Chowdhury and Gurbachan Singh
Abstract | Full-Text
04-21:Collective Action in the Commons: A Theoretical Framework for Empirical Research.
By Rajiv Sethi and E.Somanathan
Abstract | Full-Text
04-20:Controlling Informalization: Punitive versus Strategic measures.
By Siddhartha Mitra
Abstract | Full-Text
04-19:An Analysis of Corporate Performance and Governance in India: Study of Some Selected Industries.
By Diganta Mukherjee and Tejamoy Ghose
Abstract | Full-Text
04-18:Vertical Diversity And Equilbrium Growth.
By Satya P. Das
Abstract | Full-Text
04-17:The Political economy of public goods: Some evidence from India.
By Abhijit Banerjee and Rohini Somanathan
Abstract | Full-Text
04-16:Poverty targeting in Public programs: A comparison of alternative nonparametric methods.
By Isha Dewan and Rohini Somanathan
Abstract | Full-Text
04-15:Bertrand-Edgeworth Equilibrium: Manipulable Residual Demand.
By Prabal Roy Chowdhury
Abstract | Full-Text
04-14:Limit Properties of Bertrand Equilibria with Exogenous Entry.
By Prabal Roy Chowdhury
Abstract | Full-Text
04-13:Bertrand-Edgeworth duopoly with linear costs: A tale of two paradoxes.
By Prabal Roy Chowdhury
Abstract | Full-Text
04-12:Bertrand-Edgeworth equilibrium with a large number of firms.
By Prabal Roy Chowdhury
Abstract | Full-Text
04-11:Marriage Markets with Externalities.
By Prabal Roy Chowdhury
Abstract | Full-Text
04-10:Group-lending: Sequential financing, lender monitoring and joint liability.
By Prabal Roy Chowdhury
Abstract | Full-Text
04-09:Joint Venture Instability and Monitoring.
By Prabal Roy Chowdhury
Abstract | Full-Text
04-08:The Importance Of Being Informed: Experimental Evidence on The Demand For Enviromental Quality.
By Jyotsna Jalan and E.Somanathan
Abstract | Full-Text
04-07:Quantifying Spatial Misallocaton in Centrally Provided Public Goods.
By Siva Athreya and Rohini Somanathan
Abstract | Full-Text
04-06:OWNERSHIP FORM AND CONTRACTUAL INEFICIENCY: Comparing Performance of Cooperatives and Private factories in the Indian Sugar Industry.
By Sanghamitra Das and Dilip Mookherjee
Abstract | Full-Text
04-05: Trade Liberalization, Imported Inputs and Factor Efficiencies: Evidence from the Auto Components Industry in India.
By Sanghamitra Das and Ch. Sambasiva Rao
Abstract | Full-Text
04-04: Decreasing Marginal Impatience, Income Distribution and Demand for Money: Theory and Evidence
By Satya P. Das, Mausumi Das and Thomas B. Fomby
Abstract | Full-Text
04-03: Inequality and Segregation.
Rajiv Sethi and Rohini Somanathan
Abstract | Full-Text.
04-02: Patronage in Public Administration: Presidential Connections,Position Assignments and the Performance of Korean Public Prosecutors, 1992-2000.
Nowook Park and Rohini Somanathan
Abstract | Full-Text
04-01: Policies to Combat Child Labor:A Dynamic Analysis.
Satya P. Das and Rajat Deb
Abstract | Full-Text.
03-10: Market Entry Costs, Producer Heterogeneity, and Export Dynamics
By Sanghamitra Das, Mark J. Roberts and James R. Tybout
Abstract | Full-Text
03-09: Walk or Wait? An Empirical Analysis of Street Crossing Decisions
By Sanghamitra Das, Charles F. Manski and Mark D. Manuszak
Abstract | Full-Text
03-08: Risk Management in Agriculture
By Bharat Ramaswami, Shamika Ravi and S.D.Chopra
Abstract | Full-Text
03-07: North-South Competition, Policy Rivalry and Profitability
By Satya P.Das and Subhadip Ghosh
Abstract | Full-Text
03-06: Endogenous Distribution, Politics and The Growth-Equity Tradeoff
By Satya P.Das and Chetan Ghate
Abstract | Full-Text
03-05: Awareness and the Demand for Environmental Quality: Drinking Water in Urban India
By Jyotsna Jalan, E.Somanathan**, Saraswata Chaudhuri
Abstract | Full-Text
03-04: Endogenous Trading Bloc Formation in a North-South Global Economy
By Satya P.Das and Subhadip Ghosh
Abstract | Full-Text
03-03: FDI and the relative wage in a North South Global Economy
By Subhadip Ghosh
Abstract | Full-Text
03-02: Valuing Lives Equally: Distributional Weights for Welfare Analysis
By E.Somanathan
Abstract | Full-Text
03-01: Ordinally Bayesian Incentive-Compatible Voting Schemes.
By Dipjyoti Majumdar and Arunava Sen.
Abstract | Full-Text
02-10: Mechanism Design by Observant and Informed Planners.
By Shurojit Chatterji and Arunava Sen.
02-09: Reforming Food Subsidy Scheme:Estimating the Gains from Self-Targetting in India.
By Bhaskar Dutta and Bharat Ramaswami.
Abstract | Full-Text
02-08: Aggregation in Area Yield Insurance:The Linear Additive Model.
By Bharat Ramaswami and Terry L.Roe.
Abstract | Full-Text
02-07: Cricket interruptus: fairness and incentive in interruped cricket matches
By Michael Carter and Graeme Guthrie.
Abstract | Full-Text
02-05: Understanding Reciprocity
By Rajiv Sethi and E.Somanathan.
Abstract | Full-Text
02-04: Cost Monotonicity, Consistency and Minimum Cost Spanning Tree Games
By Bhaskar Dutta and Anirban Kar.
Abstract | Full-Text
02-03: Norm Compliance and Strong Reciprocity
By Rajiv Sethi and E. Somanathan.
Abstract | Full-Text
02-02: Inequality and Environmental Policy
By E. Somanathan.
Abstract | Full-Text
02-01: Collective Action for Forest Conservation: Does Heterogeneity Matter?
By E. Somanathan, R. Prabhakar, and B.S. Mehta.
Abstract | Full-Text